Time for Him

ginger natural health
time for him
We like to think at ginger that we have all angles covered …. And that includes the Men!
Our massages are most definitely not just for the ladies; you can come to ginger and have an hour to yourself of complete relaxation, a massage, reflexology, acupuncture; to chill, regroup and meet the world again with a spring in your step.
However, we do the tough stuff too! Sports and Deep tissue massage to get into those knots that have grown through bad posture, heavy gym sessions or stress. Sometimes you need something a little deeper to set you back on the road to wellbeing.
Our Acupuncture is for Men and Ladies alike, this ancient Chinese treatment works on the balance of the body, mind and spirit, addressing your issues to allow you to reach a state of harmony.
For the active, the gym goer, those with back and posture issues or as a result of injury we have Osteopathy. Looking at the person holistically our Osteopath will help you to redress your issues with an action plan tailored to your individual needs.
And for those looking for some personal care we also offer waxing treatments just for men.
Ginger is most definitely not just for the Ladies!