Sports massage & osteopathy

sports massage and osteopathy
There are times when we need a little extra attention to specific injury or pain. It may be because you are an athlete, a runner, a footballer or a dancer, or it may be because you have suffered in an accident, or perhaps have chronic pain which can occur for a multitude of reasons. Sports massage and osteopathy treatments can help you whether it is to alleviate a condition or as a preventative measure.
Pain has no boundaries, it can happen regardless of age or circumstance, from the young and the active, the deskbound, the new mum or the seniors in our community, we all have it at some time.
This is when something a little more targeted is necessary for your condition. Our team at ginger can help to connect with the pain and offer treatment and advice ongoing on your condition.
One of our osteopaths, Rebecca, has a special interest in babies and children with a focus on helping those with additional needs. She uses safe and gentle techniques that may improve a sense of relaxation and wellbeing. She has gained experience in a number of settings including the Osteopathic Centre for Children London and a diverse practice in Uganda.

Osteopathy is a holistic treatment aiming to detect, treat, and prevent health problems by moving, stretching and massaging muscles and joints.
It works with the structure and function of the body. The principle is that a person's wellbeing is dependant upon the bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue functioning smoothly together.
Osteopathy increases mobility, relieves muscle tension and enhances blood supply to tissues helping the body to heal without the use of drugs or surgery.
It can be effective in the treatment of a range of conditions from back pain, through sports injuries and arthritis. Much muscle and joint pain is associated with the way in which we work and our lifestyle.
Osteopathy can steer you towards a path of better health for the long term.
We have two osteopaths on the team Adam speclialing in adult care and Rebecca children and babies as well as adults.

sports massage
Sports massage is not for the faint hearted! No candles and sweet music. It is designed for the physically active, beneficial to sports people, gym goers or those doing the 9-5 at a desk, it focuses on treating pain and injuries associated with recreational activities. It can reduce stiffness of the muscles and improve relaxation, however it’s a deep massage, manipulating soft tissue to prevent injury or rid the soft tissue of deep seated muscular pain. Sports Massage goes to the very heart of the problem.
The reasons for seeking a sports massage will vary, perhaps tight ham strings, tense shoulders, injury, sprain or accident. Those who take their physical activity seriously may use sports massage on a regular basis to assist in keeping them in peak condition.
Sports massage works just within your comfort zone. Everyday life and extreme occurrence can cause the fascia (connective tissue) to loosen its natural elasticity, decreasing flexibility, the action of a sports massage will help to relax the fascia to increase flexibility and mobility.