Researchers in the us have come to establish a link between sleep patterns and female fertility.
Stress would reduce the chances of falling pregnant ?
If you are looking to boost your fertility, you should not necessarily monitor your quota of number of hours of sleep, but rather the time at which you go to bed every night… The reason ? A recent study conducted by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis (United States), has revealed a link between sleep patterns and female fertility.
This work, presented at a conference of theAmerican Society for Reproductive Medicine in Denver, indicate that the fact of going to bed every day at the same time, that is to say, more or less an hour, to significantly increase female fertility.
For this study, scientists used watches connected, able to follow the sleep cycle of the 176 participating. At the end of the study, 75 women out of the 176 were pregnant.
By comparing the times that the women went to bed each night, as well as the dates of design, Dr. Emily Jungheim and his team have observed that the more a woman is in compliance with a schedule for bedtime very precise, the more she had of chance of conceiving quickly.
As reported by the Dailymail, “those whose bedtime was changing dramatically from one day to the other – sometimes 23 pm, sometimes 1 am in the morning – have put more time to develop.”